Thursday, November 18, 2010


Someone stole my bike helmet. And my seat. When I went to pick up my bike from where I park it when I catch the bus, it looked sad and a little decapitated. My friend Heidi says she's lost five seats in the last year--she rides her bike everywhere. So this is to be expected?

When I was in college, it was a good prank to steal someone's bike seat. But now? I guess I understand the helmet, but where do the seats go? Is there a booth at the swap meet full of bike seats?

I loved that seat--it had some kind of gel core, and was wide and cushy. It had a design that matched the bike.

I'm guessing I can find another one. I haven't really tried yet. And then I'm going to need a large bag so that when I lock up the bike, I can take the seat and the helmet with me. Geez.

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